


发布日期:2017-10-07     作者:      分享到:


任雪艳,女,1978年出生,陕西西安人,博士毕业于浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,新西兰奥克兰理工大学访问学者,副教授,陕西省中青年科技创新领军人才硕士生导师 。主要研究方向为食品病原微生物的控制及其机制研究。以第一或通讯作者在J Agri Food ChemFood ChemPostharvest Bio TecFood ControlLWT - Food Sci TechFood MicrobiolSCI Hortic-Amsterdam等食品国际SCI杂志发表论文50余篇,授权专利5项,科研成果获相关科技奖励8项,出版著作三部。先后主持国家自然科学基金2项,陕西省国际科技合作重点项目、农业公关项目及西安市农业重点产业链等省市级科研项目8项。


学术兼职情况中国食品营养学会会员,陕西省农业工程学会理事,陕西省莓类产业体系岗位专家,陕西省科技特派员,西安市特色水果贮藏与保鲜重点实验室副主任,西安市科技局专家服务团专家、周至县猕猴桃储藏专家工作站专家、International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation,《Phytochemical Analysis》等杂志审稿人,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家。









2008/9-2012/3,浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院 食品科学专业,工学博士。

2002/9-2005/7年,石河子大学生命科学学院 生物化学与分子生物学专业硕士,理学硕士;

1998/9- 2002/7年,石河子大学生命科学学院 生物学专业 理学学士;



针对特色极端环境下,多样化及丰富的微生物资源,开展有益微生物资源的挖掘, 例如特有果蔬表面、土壤及特殊生境下果蔬病害防治相关拮抗微生物的开发;发掘微生物抗逆相关功能基因,通过功能研究,揭示微生物与宿主、生物与环境互作的分子机制,探讨微生物抗逆性的生理学调控机理,从个体、组织、细胞和分子水平上解析生物响应特殊环境或病害发生的适应机制;








[1]国家自然科学基金项目,表达双价抗菌肽基因的重组酵母对几种新疆特色水果采后病害的防治及防治机理研究31260402),2013/01-2016/1256(万元) 主持;

[2]国家自然科学基金项目,新疆酿酒葡萄紫檀茋防御酸腐病的机制研究31460411),2015/01-2018/1247(万元) 主持;

[3]陕西省农业科技创新与攻关项目,一种新型生物防腐保鲜剂的研发及其对陕西几种主栽水果采后病害的防治效果研究,(2016NY-184),2016/01-2017/1210(万元) 主持;

[4] 陕西省国际科技合作重点项目新型绿色杀菌剂的创制及对猕猴桃采后病害控制研究”,( 2024GH-ZDXM-09),2024/01-2026/1230(万元),主持

[5] 西安市农业重点产业链关键技术攻关项目猕猴桃采后即食精准控制技术与示范”,( 2023JH-NYCL-0070),2023/07-2026/0630(万元),主持





部分代表作(一作 & 通讯):

1. Xueyan Ren, Xiaolu Tian, Xinyu Cai, Xue Li, Qingjun Kong*. Stilbenes: A new strategy for protecting light-sensitive foods, a review of their structure classification and singlet oxygen quenching mechanism, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2023.

2. Xiaolu Tian, Di Wang, Yihan Li, Zhe Xu, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. Preparation and characterization of emulsions of soy protein isolatechitosan quaternary ammonium salt complexes and peppermint essential oil with extended release effect, Food Hydrocolloids, 2023.

3. Xue Li, Xinyu Cai, Qingzhi Zeng, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. Exploring the mechanism of stilbenes to quench singlet oxygen based on the key structures of resveratrol and its analogues, Food Chemistry, 2023, 403, 134350.

4. Xinyu Cai, Zhe Xu, Xue Li, Di Wang, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. Underlying mechanism of menthol on controlling postharvest citrus sour rot caused by Geotrichum citri-aurantii, Postharvest Biology and Tchnology, 2023, 196.

5. Xinyu Cai, Jianrui Qi, Zhe Xu, Lingxuan Huang,Yihan Li, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. Three stilbenes make difference to the antifungal effects on ochratoxin A and its precursor production of Aspergillus carbonariu, Food Microbiology, 2022, 103, 103967.

6. RenYu Zheng, XiaoLin Xiong, XingYan Li, Di Wang, Zhe Xu, Xue Li, Miao Yang, XueYan Ren*, QingJun Kong*. Changes in polyphenolic compounds of Hutai No. 8 grapes during low-temperature storage and their shelf-life prediction by identifying biomarkers, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70(50), 15818-15829.

7. Xiaolu Tian, Yihan Li, Zhe Xu, Xuan Feng, Qingjun Kong*, Xueyan Ren*. Efficient binding paradigm of protein and polysaccharide: preparation of isolated soy protein-chitosan quaternary ammonium salt complex system and exploration of its emulsification potential, Food Cemistry, 2022, 407, 135111.

8. Lingxuan Huang, Xue Zhang, Zhe Xu, Mengxin Zhao, Yihan Li, Qingjun Kong*, Xueyan Ren*. Systematical characterization of VvCP gene in Vitis vinifera, and potential functions of VvCPs in the biosynthesis of Scripusin A, Scientia Horticulturae, 2022, 295(11), 110809.

9. Yihan Li, Jun Lu, Xiaolu Tian, Zhe Xu, Lingxuan Huang, Hongxi Xiao, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. Alginate with citrus pectin and pterostilbene as healthy food packaging with antioxidant property, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 193, 2093-2102.

10. Lingling Zhang, Xingyan Li, Yaxing Pang, Xinyu Cai, Jun Lu, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. Phenolics composition and contents, as the key quality parameters of table grapes, may be influenced obviously and differently in response to short-term high temperature, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 149, 111791.

11. Xueyan Ren, Zhe Xu, Rongrong Deng, Lingxuan Huang, Renyu Zheng, Qingjun Kong*. Peppermint essential oil suppresses Geotrichum citri-aurantii growth by destructing the cell structure, internal homeostasis, and cell cycle, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(27), 7786-7797.

12. Qingjun Kong, Qingzhi Zeng, Jia Yu, Hongxi Xiao, Jun Lu*, Xueyan Ren*. Mechanism of resveratrol dimers isolated from grape inhibiting 1O2 induced DNA damage by UHPLC-QTOF-MS2 and UHPLC-QQQ-MS2 analyses, Biomedicines, 2021, 9(3), 271.

13. Zhe Xu, Xing Yu, Xue Zhang, Rongrong Deng, Qingjun Kong*, Xueyan Ren*. Critical role of the trans-scirpusin A Hydroxylase (SAH), A Cyt P450 enzyme, involved in trans-scirpusin A biosynthesis in Vitis vinifera, Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 288, 110319.

14. Yan Du, Xingyan Li, Xiaolin Xiong, Xinyu Cai, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. An investigation on polyphenol composition and content in skin of grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Hutai No.8) fruit during ripening by UHPLC-MS2 technology combined with multivariate statistical analysis, Food Bioscience, 2021, 43, 101276.

15. Xiaolin Xiong, Lingling Zhang, Xingyan Li, Qingzhi Zeng, Rongrong Deng, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. Antifungal mechanisms of lavender essential oil in the inhibition of rot disease caused by Monilinia fructicola in postharvest flat peaches, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2021, 67(10), 724-736.

16. Xingyan Li, Jiahui Meng, Qingzhi Zeng, Xiaolin Xiong, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. Biogenic amines content changes during storage and establishment of shelf life prediction model of red bean curd, Journal of Food Safety, 2021, 41, e1288.

17. Qingjun Kong, Peipei An, Zhe Xu, Runguang Zhang, Jianrui Qi, Xueyan Ren *. New insights into the alleviating role of Melaleuca alternifolia oil on metabolites pathway disorder of grapes caused by Aspergillus niger, verified by corresponding key genes expression. Food chemistry, 2020, 327.

18.Qingjun Kong, Jianrui Qi, Peipei An, Rongrong Deng, Jiahui Meng, Xueyan Ren*. Melaleuca alternifolia oil can delay nutrient damage of grapes caused by Aspergillus ochraceus through regulation of key genes and metabolites in metabolic pathways, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2020, 164.  

19. Qingjun Kong, Lingling Zhang, Peipei An, Jianrui Qi, Xing Yu, Jun Lu, Xueyan Ren*. Antifungal mechanisms of α-terpineol and terpene-4-alcohol as the critical components of Melaleuca alternifolia oil in the inhibition of rot disease caused by Aspergillus ochraceus in postharvest grapes, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2019,

20. Peipei An, Xingbin Yang, Jia Yu, Jianrui Qi, Xueyan Ren*, Qingjun Kong*. α-terpineol and terpene-4-ol, the critical components of tea tree oil, exert antifungal activities in vitro and in vivo against aspergillus niger in grapes by inducing morphous damage and metabolic changes of fungus, Food Control, 2019, 98, 42-53.

21. Xueyan Ren, Peipei An, Xin Zhai, Shuo Wang, Qingjun Kong*. The antibacterial mechanism of pterostilbene derived from Xinjiang wine grape: A novel apoptosis inducer in Staphyloccocus aureus and Escherichia coli, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 101, 100-106.






5.新型果实生物防腐保鲜技术的研究与开发,中国商业联合会科学技术奖,一等奖2010-1-08-R13 ,2011,排名第8.





孔庆军,任雪艳,李祎晗,曾庆桎,白藜芦醇或白藜芦醇衍生物在抑制扩展青霉中的应用,专利号:ZL 202111306900.5



